MessagePack and HttpClient

Controller method public async Task<IActionResult> SomeApiMethod() { try { using var ms = new MemoryStream(); await Request....

Let's encrypt and certbot

Obtain certificate from Let’s Encrypt using Certbot in STANDALONE mode As one line sudo docker run -it --rm -p 443:443 -p 8...

GIT hacks

fatal: in unpopulated submodule ‘x’ git rm --cached x git submodule add -b master --force https://gitlink/repo.git x ...

SQL Tips

Check if a column contains a string SELECT [DatabaseId],[Category] FROM [dbo].[SomeTable] Where Category LIKE '%theString%'...

Android: lagging when switching/swiping between tabs

If a lag is experienced when swiping between pages on a ViewPager : viewPager.setOffscreenLimit(size) Where size : the number of p...

Introspection of an access token

Identity Server 4 is an OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 Framework. On this post I am going to dive into the introspection of referenc...

Android: Client not ready yet

I started developing an android app on my surface but then I decided to move the code to my stationary pc. I copied the whole sour...

Injecting classes that inherit from a generic one in Autofac

Lets say we have a generic class defined like : public class Foundation<TClass> where TClass : class { private readonly Inje...

Create GUID: The command is not a valid executable

My hdd died two days ago and I re-installed windows 10 Pro(64 bit) and Visual Studio 2017. While I was programming today for one p...

Configure an Index on many properties in entity framework 6.1

There are few ways to configure an Index on more than one property in the entity framework 6.1. I created a new WebApplication pro...